From the web
If you want to cancel your subscription to Whakoom PRO you can do it from My Subscription, by clicking on Cancel my subscription.
Once you have canceled your subscription, we will not issue any more charges to your account, and you will stop being subscribed when the period you already paid for ends. If you later want to subscribe again, you must wait until the period you have already paid for ends to do so.
For example: You subscribed on January 1, 2022. Your subscription was renewed on January 1, 2023 and on March 3 you decide to cancel it. We will not charge you again and you will remain PRO until January 1, 2024. If you decide to re-subscribe, you will be able to do so from January 1, 2024.
Google play
If you subscribed through Google Play, you can cancel your subscription by following these steps.
App store
If you subscribed through the iTunes Store, you can cancel your subscription by following these steps.
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